AGM & Celebration Dinner this Friday

If you have not already advised if you can make the AGM and dinner this Friday at the Great Western Hotel, please advise at the following e-mail ASAP

As well as being held in person at The Great Western Hotel in Aberdeen it will also occur Digitally via Zoom.

The AGM will commence at 6.15pmon Friday 25th of February 2022

The Committee invites nominations for Committee members or any other office. Please provide any apologies or ACOB no later than 8pm on Wednesday 23rd of
February 2022.

AGSFPCC Awards & Presentation dinner to follow the AGM at The Great Western Hotel.

1. Apologies (& President’s Address)
2. Minutes of AGM held on the 22st of January 2021
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Captains’ Reports (League & COVID Situation Update)
5. Election of Office Bearers
6. Rubislaw

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