New Season Update

While it is yet to be confirmed, we are working to a season start date of May 22nd, but we will update further when this becomes clearer. In the meantime, we have agreed to play a friendly with Stoneywood Dyce on Sunday 9th May and a 20/20 friendly with Cults on Sunday 16th May, both are likely to be at Rubislaw. Teamers have gone out for this, but if you have not received please contact Rob Swiergon.

We also anticipate that training will commence next week, the week commencing 3rd May, either Tuesday 4th or Thursday 6th. We will confirm this soon as we just need to ensure all Covid protocols are being adhered to.

We are in the midst of purchasing a new net cage to aid practice this season and any financial support towards this would be greatly appreciated.

Finally, if you have not yet filled in your availability for the season, please do so at the following link

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