By way of a quick update on cricket this season, we are pleased to see the government in England have now said they will allow cricket from next weekend, and we would hope a similar announcement comes in Scotland soon as well. The scheduled season for 2020 has been cancelled but there may be scope for some games in July (if the government agrees) and certainly into August. What these games will look like, we are not currently sure. It is improbable we will have access to Rubislaw until at least mid-August and other council pitches are likely to be similarly constrained. The reason being the council require time to prepare them. We could all debate this point but this is our understanding, although it is not confirmed. WE will certainly advise the club are available for games but this may well need other clubs to host us and we will be open to playing anyone if it at least gets some cricket.
In terms of the pitch, we had 3 very generous offers of help from Derek Traill, Peter Clark from Arbroath and Donny Reid at Gordonians. Given Donny’s proximity, he has kindly agreed to undertake the fix and this will be done in the near future. Overall we were inundated with messages from various people and clubs from all across the country and the support was hugely appreciated.
For 2021 we will assess the need for a permanent replacement, but for now, a repair seems the most sensible decision given the level of uncertainty that exists.
Hopefully, we will see some cricket soon and when that happens we hope the weather will be kind to us.