FPs 2017 AGM was held recently with new office bearers confirmed for the 2018 season. After winning the title, Rob Swiergon continues as skipper and Mike Nattrass will captain the 2nd XI, something he often did last season in the absence of a full time leader. Karan Anand is the 1st XI vice captain and Mike Nattrass will be assisted by Aman Sood as 2nd XI vice captain. Ian Johnston will continue as 3rd XI captain. The following office bearers were elected.
President: Jeremy Moir
1st XI Captain: Rob Swiergon
1st XI Vice-Captain: Karan Anand
2nd XI Captain: Mike Nattrass
2nd XI Vice-Captain: Aman Sood
3rd XI Captain: Ian Johnston
Secretary: Chris Clelland
Youth Convenor: Ian Johnston
Webmaster: Chris Clelland
Congratulations to Rob Swiergon who was also elected an Honourary Vice President as recognition as is traditional for 1st XI Captains.