Following the 2012 AGM this past Friday, the following trophy winners for the 2012 season were confirmed:
Trophy Winners
AGSFP Batting T. Booth (27.1)
AGSFP Bowling J.M. Eagles (9.8)
Stewart Trophy T. Booth (298 runs)
Stewart Runner-up V. Vijapur (18 wickets)
Grade XI Allround R.B. Knudson (117 @ 13.0, 14 @ 19.2)
Proctor Batting Cup P. Tenneti (348 @ 38.7)
Hopkin Bowling Cup Magesh (31 @ 16.6)
Reserve XI Trophy Karthik (292 @ 29.2 & 12 @ 35.1)
Catching Cup T. Booth & Karthik (7)
Younger Player of the Year J. D’Costa
Sandy Davidson Trophy G.E Morrison
Ken Peters Memorial Trophy D. Blues
Doug Moir Cup K. Whyte
Clubman of the Year M.Barker
Also the following office bearers for the 2013 season were confirmed:
Office Bearers
President D. G. Moir
1st Captain G. E. Morrison
Vice Captain J. Davey
2nd XI Captain M. Devendran
Vice Captain M. Barker
3rd XI Captain I. D. Johnston
Vice Captain S. Dhanamani
Treasurer G. E. Morrison
Secretary C. D. Clelland
Web Manager C. D. Clelland
Junior Convener I. D. Johnston
Exec. Rep. G.D. Stuart
FP Club Rep. C. D. Clelland
Committee* J. Davey, M Devendran, I. D. Johnston,R. B. Knudson, G.Stuart, M. Barker, S. Dhanamani, P. Norwood, P. Tenneti, R. Mantha
* Ex officio: C. D. Clelland, G. E. Morrison
Many thanks for the unprecedented number of people who put their hand up to help with the running of the club.