January Newsletter

A very happy New Year to everyone associated with Grammar Cricket and welcome to the first of our new regular website newsletters.

New Club Kit

We will shortly be ordering a new batch of club kit to arrive in time for the start of the 2012 season. Various options are available, for example short sleeve or long sleeve, sweaters or “traditional” knitted jumpers.

We can’t afford to carry too much stock so let us know what you would like by completing this brief survey. Completing this survey does not commit you to buying anything but we will use the results to order the most popular items.


Not your availability to play for Yorkshire but rather Grammar Cricket moving into the electronic age next season. All squad players will shortly receive an email from the teamer.net website which we will be using to collect availability and send out team selections.

The Committee have trialled this for their own meetings and have managed, with one or two notable exceptions, to work out how it all works. We’re confident that this will make things easier for everyone, but particularly the team captains.

Invitations to pre-season net sessions, which we expect to start towards the end of February, will come out through teamer so please make sure that you follow the registration instructions when you get them.

Sponsorship Opportunities

While the Committee is continuing to investigate funding options for the replacement of the kit lost in last year’s fire the club as a whole need to look at any and all ways of bringing in much needed funds.

If you can think of any individuals and/or companies who would be willing to put something into local cricket then now is the time to approach them. An easy and relatively cheap way to do this is through matchball sponsorship which is available at £25 per game.

For those willing and able to donate a larger amount then website and/or club kit advertising is also available. If you know of anyone who might be interested in this then please get in touch with Club Treasurer, Geoff Morrison, who will be more than happy to sound them out.

Player Recruitment

While the club enjoyed reasonable availability last season we are always on the lookout for new talent at all levels. With pre-season nets just a few weeks away now is the time for us all to stay on the lookout for new players.

If you know of anyone who might be interested in joining us please pass on details of nets once they’re available. You can also pass on our website details and ask them to sign up for our website alerts.

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